Markets are at risk of an increase in interest rates which will see the relative attractiveness of real estate diminish, he said. In turn this could stall new investment and reverse the flow of funds as investors seek to redeem their investment with consequent impact on pricing. 他说:市场面临的风险包括利率上升,那会降低房地产市场的相对吸引力,进而可能会导致新投资停滞和资金流向逆转。同时,投资者赎回投资的尝试会给定价带来相应的影响。
But Mr Stevens also outlined an alternative scenario in which another financial crisis – a break-up of the eurozone – might result in a larger flow of funds into Aussie-denominated assets. 但史蒂文斯还提出了另一种假设:另一场金融危机欧元区解体可能会造成更多资金流入以澳元计价的资产。
But economists say the underlying driver of inflation is the excess demand created by the huge flow of funds into China through the trade surplus and other avenues, as well as the velocity at which money circulates in the economy. 但经济学家表示,推动通胀上扬的根本因素,是通过贸易盈余和其它途径涌入中国的巨额资金所创造的过度需求,以及货币在经济领域的流通速度过快。
Our policymakers, and the analysts they rely on, ignore balance sheets and the flow of funds at their peril and ours. 我们的政策制定者(以及他们依赖的分析师)忽视资产负债表和资金流动的行为,是在拿自己冒险也是在拿我们冒险。
Under the currency board system, the aggregate balance is determined predominantly by the flow of funds into or out of the Hong Kong dollar. 在货币发行局制度下,结馀总额主要由资金流入或流出港元的数量决定。
The Characteristics and Module of China's Inter-Sector Flow of Fund& Analysis Based on Flow of Funds Accounts 中国部门间资金流动的特点与模式:基于资金流量金融表的分析
Both McClintock's and Bernanke's figures foot fairly well with the$ 9 trillion of Treasury debt outstanding at the end of the third quarter, according to the Fed's Flow of Funds report. 根据美联储的“资金流向报告”,麦克林托克和伯南克的数据均与第三季度末9万亿未偿美国国债十分吻合。
Policymakers ( including Mr Greenspan and his successor, Ben Bernanke) have resisted inclusion of balance sheets and the flow of funds in their models by arguing that bubbles cannot be easily identified, nor their effects reliably anticipated. 政府制定者(包括格林斯潘和他的继任者本伯南克(benbernanke))拒绝将资产负债表和资金流动纳入他们的模型,他们辩称,无法轻易识别泡沫,也无法可靠地预测它们的影响。
Carrefour offered these SMEs free consultation, including the customers'needs, layout of products, flow of funds and market feedback. 从顾客需求,商品销售排面,到资金流向,再到市场反馈,家乐福都给予中小供应商提供免费咨询服务。
The bottom line is clear: there exists, at present, a gigantic net flow of funds into the liabilities of the governments of advanced countries. 最终结果显而易见:目前,有巨额资金净流入发达国家政府的负债。
There is the popularly accepted opinion that social security and pensions provide a comfortable and reliable flow of funds so the elderly have few financial worries. 还有一个人们普遍接受的看法,说社会福利和养老金源源不断地提供宽裕的可靠的收入,因此老人很少有经济上的担忧。
The treaty emphasises the need for "adequacy and predictability in the flow of funds". 该公约强调了“资金流量应充足和可以预测的必要性”。
Funds flow; flow of funds: the flow of purchasing power into and out of an organization. 资金流量;资金流动;资金流转:指一个组织流入和流出的购买力。
Third, we will improve the mechanism for transmitting monetary policy and guarantee the smooth flow of funds. 三是进一步理顺货币政策传导机制,保证资金渠道畅通。
The Research on Solutions and Limitations of Method of Flow of Funds Analysis 资金流量分析方法的局限性分析及解决办法
The tools remaining at its disposal involve facilitating the flow of funds in credit markets. 美联储仍可动用的工具,包括促进信贷市场的资金流动。
Countries all over the world have to open up for economic development, and the Western countries encourage the flow of funds and technology. 世界各国的经济发展都要搞开放,西方国家在资金和技术上就是互相融合、交流的。
Looked at from the perspective of the flow of funds in the economy, the counterpart to these deficits will largely be found on the current account of the balance of payments. 从经济中资金流动的角度看,国际收支中经常项目的赤字规模也将大幅增加。
Optimize the flow of funds to create zero-cost intensive Chinese god of medicine, free self-service platform for the new model. 优化资金流创造零成本集约化无偿自助式中国医神平台新模式。
I mention this because flow of funds analysis is the basis of a recent BoE article that tries to give substance to all the rhetoric about rebalancing the economy. 我提到这一点,是因为资金流分析是英国央行最近一篇文章的基础。那篇文章试图为那些平衡经济的说辞提供理由。
This tends to be based on flow of funds analysis. 这种办法应该是来自资金流分析。
The flow of funds into emerging market funds has been strong, particularly from US investors who still appear to be shifting money from domestic funds to invest internationally. 新兴市场基金的资金流入势头一直颇为强劲,特别是来自美国投资者的资金。这些美国投资者似乎仍然在把钱从国内基金转向国际投资。
But in the diversity of financial intermediation channels, Hong Kong is still behind because the flow of funds through the debt channel remains, relatively speaking, small. 但在金融中介渠道的多元化发展方面,香港却仍然落后,原因是投入债券市场的资金数量仍然相对较小。
Making it accessible for the investors and enterprises and public institutions of all provinces and cities to carry out economic activities in Guangxi, to liquidate the funds and to accelerate the flow of funds. 方便外国投资者以及各省市企事业单位到广西开展经济活动,便于资金清算,加快资金周转。
With the free flow of funds, foreign businessmen will invest there. 只要资金可以自由出入,外商就会来投资。
Flow of Funds and Development of Capital Market 社会资金流动和发展资本市场
Further, the investment calculation model ought to be optimized to channel the investment direction and flow of funds; 优化投资测算模型,引导投资方向和调节资金流向;
Fund flow means the cash flow of funds during a particular time. 基金流量,是指基金在特定时期的资金流动。
The flow of funds within the framework of control systems and production systems, marketing systems, financial systems, engineering data and other subsystems to achieve a seamless integration of control required to ensure the flow of funds data accuracy and timeliness. 该框架中的资金流控制系统与生产系统、销售系统、财务系统、工程数据等子系统实现了无缝集成,保证了资金流控制所需数据的准确性和及时性。